Tonsils Causing Bad Breath
Tonsils Causing Bad Breath
Bad breath, also known medically as halitosis, is a condition that most people suffer from at one time or another. It is caused by a number of factors, but most are associated to the increase of bacteria present in the mouth that produces the so-called “volatile sulfur compounds” where the stinky smell comes from.
One of the most commonly known causes of bad breath is tonsil stones. This is basically where the idea on “tonsils causing bad breath” originates. Well, according to some studies, bad breath is produced when tonsils hold a mass of bacteria on its place. The tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are characterized by nasty yellowish and whitish colored lumps on the tonsils that smell like hell. These tonsils causing bad breath are caused by the buildup of the bacteria capable of producing volatile sulfur compounds as well as debris that becomes trapped and lodged in the tonsils. The debris, as what most medical studies have shown, may include mucus that drips and purifies in the back of your throat due to post nasal drip. This mucus that forms out of post nasal drip is known as tonsil crypts.
The tonsils causing bad breath may appear small on the surface of your tonsils. They are yellowish and whitish in color and may not be removed by any simple teeth and mouth cleaner. These tonsils causing bad breath may also appear to be extremely inflamed and typically form pockets of pus in the tonsillar crypts. It is this condition that causes an extreme soar throat that is often accompanied by vomiting and fever.
What is more important to know about tonsils causing bad breath is that when the formed pockets of pus are not treated as soon as possible, chances are bad breath may become chronic. Worst of all, the tonsils causing bad breath may create certain infection on the tonsils itself that is often followed by a rheumatic fever. This condition, according to some medical studies, can damage the heart. Because of this, people who are affected by chronic tonsils causing breath are strongly advised to see a doctor and obtain a diagnosis. An antibiotic may be given to you in case of severe tonsil infection.
Tonsils causing bad breath