Monday, September 25, 2006

Banish the breath mints and chewing gum

Neither of these commercial products are particularly helpful as they only mask the problem and in fact could cause tooth decay. Try some of our alternative recommendations:
Remember the trick the Greeks used? Anise seed is readily available and chewing on a few of them work just as effectively today as they did several thousand years ago. Fennel, cinnamon and cloves also work well. Try popping a few into your mouth after meals to fight bad breath.
There are many other natural replacements for commercial mouthwash. Try adding a bit of baking soda to your toothpaste. After all, not only is it used in cooking and the laundry, we also use baking soda to absorb odor in the refrigerator. It will work well to help eliminate bad breath.
Did you ever wonder why parsley and mint are often used as a garnish when dining out? Just like the Greeks, remember the Romans. Chewing on parsley helps fight bad breath.
The reason is the high content of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll very quickly changes carbon dioxide into oxygen in the body. This prepares the digestive tract to prevent gases and toxins from backing up and by lubricating the tract and various valves.
Boil a mixture of myrrh resin, sage leaves and lavender flowers in a small amount of water. Gargle three times a day as a bad breath remedy.
Aloe vera will cleanse the colon and prevent toxins that could possibly back up in the digestive tract.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

De-Mystifying the Mouthwash Myth

As we mentioned earlier, all people have bad breath on occasion. When they do, most people immediately reach for the mouthwash. Not only is this ineffective but this action can also exacerbate the condition. Why is this so?

Mouthwash contains flavoring and dyes but most importantly the primary component is alcohol! They claim to kill bacteria, which is true in most cases. However, the bacteria is quick to return with an exponential affect because the alcoholic content causes dry mouth which is the leading cause of bad breath. It creates a very ineffectual cycle of repetition.

Commercial mouthwash products also contain other harsh chemicals. Studies have shown that excessive amounts of mouthwash irritate the gums, tongue, palate and mucous membranes in the mouth. If the user is a smoker AND consumes alcohol, heavy use of mouthwash can even cause certain cancers. It would be prudent to look at some of the other methods to deal with bad breath and stay away from the mouthwash.

If you would like to freshen your breath try preparing your own breath freshening mouthwash. A rinse consisting of a few drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water will do the trick nicely just don’t count on it to kill bacteria. Also just use it as a rinse and do not swallow.
There are other essential oils that work as well. Try tea tree, myrrh, spearmint, and ginger are also effective.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water is a great home remedy for a sore throat. It is also good for eliminating bad breath. You might also try rinsing with lemon or lime water as well. Both are equally effective and may taste a bit more pleasant than salt water.

Try drinking a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water at least once a day.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Bad Breath In Children

Bad Breath In Children

All of the causes and symptoms of bad breath that we have discussed also apply to children. However, there are other concerns. Bad breath is very common among children. The most predominant cause of bad breath in children is breathing through the mouth.

Mouth breathing causes the mouth to dry out. A dry mouth provides a perfect environment for the bacteria that causes bad breath to grow.

Dry mouth is the main cause of bad breath in both children and adults. Children tend to breath through their mouth more often than adults and appear to have more instances of colds, allergies, sinus infections and other nose and ear problems.

A child who sucks their thumb or blanket can also dry out the mouth. Older children who smoke or use alcohol also set themselves up for dry mouth.

Nasal blockage is also a frequent cause of bad breath in toddlers. Toddlers will often poke items up their noses and then forget they are there. If you observe bad breath and/or a smelly discharge from one nostril you need to contact your pediatrician for immediate treatment.

Bad Breath In Children

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bad Breath And Serious Health Issues

Bad Breath
And Serious Health Issues

Certain breath odors may be symptomatic of health issues which require immediate attention.

Odd odors.

For instance if the odor smells "fruitlike" this may indicate that your body is trying to expell acetone. This conditions occurs because of a process called ketoacidosis.

Ketoacidosis happens when insulin is not present in the body. If insulin is not present, body fat is substituted for the insulin, and when metabolized, ketones invade the bloodstream. This condition can result in a diabetic coma and should be considered life-threatening.

If you have ever had a tube inserted in your stomach through your mouth or nose, you may have experienced "fecal odor" in your breath. This can also occur when there is a bowel obstruction or prolonged period of vomiting. An ammonia or fishlike odor can be associated with chronic kidney failure also known as chronic renal failure.

Drug abuse.

This is a sad footnote to our culture today. In years past this subject wouldn’t even be considered in a guide such as this. A study conducted in 2003 revealed that 12.3 million Americans 12 years old and over tried methamphetamine at least once. This number is staggering when you consider that represents 5.2% of our population.

Not only are the health risks tremendous but the damage to the teeth is often irreversible. Dentists have reported that the teeth of methamphetamine users are described as rotting, black, stained and literally falling apart and crumbling. The drug is highly acidic and reduces the production of saliva. Users tend to grind their teeth and crave sugar in any form. The drug also remains in the system for up to 12 hours prolonging the exposure during a period when the user probably will not even consider brushing or flossing.Removal of the teeth is often the only course of action.

Eating disorders.

We have mentioned that vomiting is a known cause of bad breath. Hand in hand with vomiting are potentially dangerous disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Bulimia involves the practice of repeated binge eating followed up by self-induced vomiting called “purging” and is normally done secretly.

The reasons for engaging in this practice are different for each participant. However, it is generally accepted by the medical community that those who suffer from bulimia eat for “comfort.”

They use food as a therapy and consume large amounts to induce inner feeling of well being. It appears to temporarily drive away feelings of anger, loss, sadness and other negative, human conditions.

Each time they binge, they need to purge so they can recapture the emotional band-aids they get while binging. It is an extremely dangerous practice.

The purging process is also accomplished by fasting, taking diet pills or using diuretics. Not only does the practice rapidly deplete the body of natural resources, it also creates a dry mouth situation which causes bad breath. If you know of someone who you suspect may be on a damaging “binge eating” program watch for the signs of bad breath as well. If you suspect they may be engaged in this behavior, intervention may be in order.

Anorexia is also extremely harmful. While it may manifest itself in some of the same ways as bulimia, it is different in that the victim has a fear of weight gain and even the slightest ounce of body fat just can’t be tolerated. Rather than binging and purging, purging is the tool of preference for people who suffer from anorexia.

Body piercing.

Our purpose of discussion that relates to body piercing is obviously directed toward oral piercing. It is not our intent to make any judgment of the practice, merely to point out some of the risks involved as well as bad breath resulting from the practice.

The most obvious risk factor is infection which can occur when there is a lesion on any part of the body. However, as we know that the mouth is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow, whether it is “good” bacteria or “bad” bacteria.

You might think that the risk is greater at the time of piercing and that would be correct. However, continual handling of the jewelry after placement greatly increases the odds of infection down the road. Oral piercing may also put you at risk for blood contamination and increase the possibility of hepatitis B, C, D and G.

Damage to the blood vessels in the tongue or cheek can induce prolonged bleeding and in some cases nerve damage can occur.

Just having the jewelry in the mouth can damage the soft tissue around the teeth causing the gums to recede.

Constant clicking of the jewelry against natural and/or restored teeth can cause the enamel or veneers to crack or chip.

Oral jewelry can also create more saliva than is necessary. Some people have reported problems with speech and a pronounced reduction in the ability to pronounce words properly. Others say that their ability to chew was impaired.

Another worse case scenario is the risk of having the jewelry dislodge causing a dangerous choking situation or even swallowing the jewelry and having it end up in the digestive tract which is dangerous itself.

Finally, there is no doubt that having a foreign body in your mouth is going to create bad breath. Keeping the area around the piercing 100% clean 100% of the time is impossible. It only takes a few tiny particles lodged in or around the entrance and exit of the jewelry stud to create bad breath. And, that’s even before you add in the factors discussed above.
So, if you do choose to engage in the practice prepare yourself for some pretty hefty maintenance and the possibility of infection or even worse circumstances.

These examples are not the norm, of course, but if you do experience any of them, it would be prudent to contact a physician especially if they replace previously normal breath odor.

Bad Breath And Serious Health Issues

Saturday, September 09, 2006

What Are The Symptoms Of Bad Breath?

What Are The Symptoms Of Bad Breath?

This may sound like a "no brainer" because you may think that bad breath is obvious to the person who has bad breath. That is not necessarily the case.

You may have cupped your hands and blown into them to try and determine if your breath smells, but that does not work because your body will naturally acclimatize to its own odor. This is necessary so that the sensory system will recognize odors that are external to the body.

If this is the case, then you need to look at external symptoms:

Do you experience nasal drip?

Do you have allergies?

Do you have a chronic dry mouth?

Do you experience a sour taste in your mouth?

Do you have a coating on your tongue?

Do your friends offer you gum or breath mints?

Do strangers turn their heads away when you speak?

These may sound very basic questions but if you answered yes to any of them there is a good probability that you have a problem with bad breath. If you answered any of them with "I don't know," you need to become pro-active and observe if any of the conditions apply to your situation.

What Are The Symptoms Of Bad Breath?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Periodontal disease and Bad Breath

Periodontal disease and Bad Breath

It’s hard to believe that in a 2002 poll of 1,000 Americans over the age of 35, it was determined that 60% of adults polled knew little or nothing about gum disease! A tragedy when you consider that gum disease is the leading factor in tooth loss, even healthy teeth.

Your teeth can appear to be healthy and disease free, when under the surface gum disease can stalwartly march on creating a condition that will ultimately lead to serious tooth loss. Bad breath is a “red flag” to help determine if this problem is prevalent in your mouth.

Healthy gum tissue forms a shallow groove at the point where the tooth meets the gum line. This disease occurs when the anaerobic, sulfur producing bacteria we discussed earlier, become trapped beneath the gum line.

This is a perfect breeding ground for the bacteria and they will settle in and take residence.
Not recognizing and dealing with the problem will result in serious dental problems up to and including loss of teeth and even underlying bone disease.

If you are diagnosed with serious periodontal disease, work to save your teeth needs to begin as soon as possible.

The first step that your dentist will take is probably what is called “scaling and root planing.” This is a non-surgical procedure to remove the deposits of plaque on the surface of the tooth including the root. Since periodontal disease rarely occurs in just one tooth, this will probably need to be done to all your teeth.

The dentist will scrap the surfaces of the tooth below the gum line to remove all traces of plaque clear down to the bottom of the pocket. He will then smooth the surface of the root to encourage healthy gum tissue to heal. This process also discourages plaque from reforming.
Depending on how involved your case might be, the dentist may prescribe medication to assist in healing or control pain and potential infection.

More diagnostics are required before a prognosis of your case of periodontal disease can be given. Each deposit of plaque creates its own “pocket” and the dentist needs to measure the depth of the pockets that were scaled during your first visit.

Often, the scaling procedure works well to eliminate the problem and you are free from further treatment other than normal examinations. At this point you would be well served by employing a daily regimen of preventative maintenance to insure the disease does not return.
However, if the diseased pockets are deep and extending into actual bone, you may need to have surgery in order to keep the teeth. If this is the case, your dentist will refer you to a periodontist, a doctor who specializes in periodontal disease.

The periodontist will use a surgical process to aggressively penetrate the diseased areas and ferret out the plaque and bacteria. The pockets where plaque resides must be sealed off so the environment does not invite a return of the disease.

In some cases bone surgery or bone grafts may be necessary to rebuild bone that was destroyed by the periodontal disease. If there was substantial tissue damage grafts may need to be used to replace the soft tissue. This procedure involves removing gum tissue from your palate to cover the areas where severe gingivitis has penetrated too far into the gum line.

Periodontal disease and Bad Breath

Sunday, September 03, 2006

What Actually Causes Bad Breath?

What Actually Causes Bad Breath?

Abscessed tooth

Infection of the tissue surrounding a tooth that usually fills with pus which has a very smelly odor.


Immoderate use of alcohol causes decreased production of saliva causing dryness of the mouth. Dry mouth is a leading cause of bad breath.

Atrophic rhinitis.

This is an inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane usually a result of nasal drip due to colds or sinusitis.


Cancers such as esophageal, pharyngeal, oral tumors, leukemia, pulmonary and stomach cancer all present severe bad breath due to the decay that is taking place. Additionally, the medical treatments for these cancers can exacerbate the bad breath.

Oral Candida.

This is a fungal infection of the mouth cavity. Also known as thrush, it is fairly common among infants, diabetics, chemotherapy patients and people with HIV or AIDS.


These holes in the outer two layers of a tooth contain decay which in turn produces bad breath.


Dentures are prosthetic replacements for natural teeth and are just as susceptible to the build up of plaque which causes bad breath. Denture wearers also have a tendency toward dry mouth which also increases the risk of bad breath.


People who have diabetes may also have bad breath. This occurs because of poor control of blood sugar, the problem with most diabetics. Gum disease is a problem for diabetics. And, diabetes is a problem for people with gum disease.

It can be difficult to determine which comes first, the diabetes or the gum disease, but the underlying problem is clear. High blood sugar contributes to gum disease. Diabetics have trouble controlling the high blood sugar. Gum disease is a leading cause of bad breath, hence the correlation.

The American Dental Association reports that people with type 1 diabetes 5 are at greater risk for gingivitis.


Certain drugs such as antihistamines, antidepressants, blood pressure meds, steroids, cancer therapy drugs, diuretics and oral contraceptives are all known to increase the propensity for bad breath as well as an increased risk for gum disease.

Dry mouth.

Sounds like such an innocuous little phrase, doesn’t it? Thought to be a leading cause of bad breath, dry mouth occurs when saliva production is reduced and carries its own nasty little package of problems.

The medical term for dry mouth is “xerostomia” (pronounced ZEER-oh-STOH-mee-ah). Saliva performs vital work in your body. It aids in digestion by using the enzymes to help break up different foods and also makes it easier to talk.

You may not realize that it can also help to prevent tooth decay by rinsing away food particles from between the teeth as well as the gums. Saliva also helps you taste the food you eat and makes it easier for you to swallow that food. It is also known for neutralizing any damaging acids.

It is believed to be caused primarily by certain medications which we listed in the previous paragraph. The symptoms of dry mouth can include:

-Dry, rough tongue

-Poor sense of taste

-Burning sensation in your mouth

-Increased plaque

-Reduced saliva production

Alzheimer’s disease, AIDS and stroke are also attributed to causing dry mouth as well as pregnancy and/or hormonal changes due to menopause.

Increasing fluid intake can help to re-hydrate the mouth. It’s important to keep it moist so you don’t lose all the benefits provided by saliva production.

Food or beverages.

A very broad topic. I will try to deal with this in upcoming posts.

Foreign body in the nose

Do you have small children? This is a situation that requires immediate treatment to prevent serious consequences.

Gum disease/Gingivitus

This is inflammation of soft tissue surrounding the teeth. This condition is much more serious than a single abscess. Gingivitis is the precursor to periodontitis which is the final step of gum disease that can ultimately lead to toot loss. This will be discussed in depth a bit further on.

Hepatic encephalopathy

This is a rare but possible cause as a result of liver disease.

Impacted tooth

An impacted tooth is one that rebelliously will not erupt into its proper position and most often results in infection, which we know is another cause of bad breath.

Periodontal disease.

A very broad topic. I will try to deal with this in upcoming posts.

What Actually Causes Bad Breath?

Have You Got It?

Only a mother loves you enough and has just the right tone to let you know that you have it.Even your best friend won't tell you.

A typical scenario... You’re at a party and there’s this really hot girl across the room. You exchange a glance. You both smile.

You begin to wind your way through the crowd all the while maintaining eye contact. The attraction is definitely there, right?

You finally make it across the dance floor and approach her with a smile. Suddenly, there’s a shift in her body language. She tightens up, the smile disappears and before you can finish your introduction, she mumbles something and turns away.

Now, what in the heck happened in the ten seconds it took you to cross the room?

Only your mother will tell you. . .you have BAD BREATH!

Bad breath is the side effect of the action taken by certain bacteria that live in the mouth, the tongue and the tonsils. The fact is that we all have these bacteria in our mouth. These bacteria pretty much remain dormant until some action in their environment causes them to change.

Because they are anaerobic and sulfur producing, when they react to these changes they produce chemicals compounds. Some of these compounds smell and taste terrible like hydrogen sulfide which smells like rotten eggs and other compounds.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Bad Breath- Did You Know?

Did you know that dental hygiene was practiced as far back as ancient Greece and Rome. The Greeks used to chew on anise seeds. Anise tastes like licorice. The Romans discovered that chewing on parsley would disguise the smell of alcohol on their breath. They were probably unaware that parsley is high in chlorophyll which turns carbon dioxide into oxygen making it a natural as one of the first breath fresheners.

Everyone has an occasional problem with bad breath which is why Americans spend more than $200 million a year on products to freshen the breath. Pills, mouthwash, breath mints, toothpaste and more comprise this industry.