Sunday, September 03, 2006

Have You Got It?

Only a mother loves you enough and has just the right tone to let you know that you have it.Even your best friend won't tell you.

A typical scenario... You’re at a party and there’s this really hot girl across the room. You exchange a glance. You both smile.

You begin to wind your way through the crowd all the while maintaining eye contact. The attraction is definitely there, right?

You finally make it across the dance floor and approach her with a smile. Suddenly, there’s a shift in her body language. She tightens up, the smile disappears and before you can finish your introduction, she mumbles something and turns away.

Now, what in the heck happened in the ten seconds it took you to cross the room?

Only your mother will tell you. . .you have BAD BREATH!

Bad breath is the side effect of the action taken by certain bacteria that live in the mouth, the tongue and the tonsils. The fact is that we all have these bacteria in our mouth. These bacteria pretty much remain dormant until some action in their environment causes them to change.

Because they are anaerobic and sulfur producing, when they react to these changes they produce chemicals compounds. Some of these compounds smell and taste terrible like hydrogen sulfide which smells like rotten eggs and other compounds.

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