Monday, September 25, 2006

Banish the breath mints and chewing gum

Neither of these commercial products are particularly helpful as they only mask the problem and in fact could cause tooth decay. Try some of our alternative recommendations:
Remember the trick the Greeks used? Anise seed is readily available and chewing on a few of them work just as effectively today as they did several thousand years ago. Fennel, cinnamon and cloves also work well. Try popping a few into your mouth after meals to fight bad breath.
There are many other natural replacements for commercial mouthwash. Try adding a bit of baking soda to your toothpaste. After all, not only is it used in cooking and the laundry, we also use baking soda to absorb odor in the refrigerator. It will work well to help eliminate bad breath.
Did you ever wonder why parsley and mint are often used as a garnish when dining out? Just like the Greeks, remember the Romans. Chewing on parsley helps fight bad breath.
The reason is the high content of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll very quickly changes carbon dioxide into oxygen in the body. This prepares the digestive tract to prevent gases and toxins from backing up and by lubricating the tract and various valves.
Boil a mixture of myrrh resin, sage leaves and lavender flowers in a small amount of water. Gargle three times a day as a bad breath remedy.
Aloe vera will cleanse the colon and prevent toxins that could possibly back up in the digestive tract.


Vylance said...

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MC said...

I use the breath spray "Listerine PocketMist" because it is anti-bacterial, helps with my breathing if I have a stuffy nose and sooths my throat when it feels dried out from indoor heating. The last thing I use it for is bad breath. Like you say, that is just masking the problem.

I've been able to improve my gum health, but with a couple of simple cures that I don't see mentioned here (though I haven't read all your posts--maybe you have).

I use a wooden toothpick on my gums and between my teeth after I eat. In the past when I have had inflammation this has helped to stop it. At first the gums are very sore, then later after regular use of the toothpick, the healing is indicated when there is no soreness.

I also use full strength hydrogen peroxide to disinfect, heal and maintain gum health.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Very True! Gum and other masks such as mints and mouthwashes offer merely a temporary mask to the odor that is soon enough depleted of its effect. These substances may also contain alcohol along with additional sugars. These two WILL NOT help the mouth odor!

Chasey Banks-
Feel Free to visit us anytime at How to Get Rid of Bad Breath HQ

Healthtec Software said...

Yes these are lovely tips.Baking soda is a great home remedy and often used in the house cleaning for absorbing various foul smells specially from the fridge.Electronic Medical Records

Greg said...

One issue some of us have is that when drinking or eating foods with the many forms of sulfite preservatives in them -- wine, bear, processed meats, cider etc etc etc -- somehow when digesting it comes back in your breath as hydrogen sulfite ( rotten egg gas)-- so if this is the issue try and avoid foods and drinks with this type of preservatives. Also, try eating the herb, tumeric --kills the bad bugs in your gut, and try also a strong anti biotic from your doctor

Modern Display said...

Most breath odor comes from food particles trapped in our mouths. When food remains in the mouth, it becomes a breeding ground for the bacteria that can cause Bad Breath.

juliawillc said...

Actually, gum is not a bad idea. It increases saliva and helps with dry mouth. The sugarless kind has Xilatol which helps stop cavities. The anise seeds sound good, and I now remember an old remedy called sen-sen. Little Lozengers that really kill bad breath. Think I'll skip over to amazon and get some. Good luck guys.